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CIP Sponsorship Submission Requirements/ Instruction/ Step-By-Step Guide

To Apply, kindly follow the guidelines below

Step 1 - Submit Detailed Project Proposal

It will be an online submission; click to upload

Project Proposal Content should consist of:

A. Project Overview (Brief Introduction & Objective) (300 words max)

Overview should consist of:

  • What is the project about?
  • Who is it for?
  • Why is there a need for this project?
  • How will this project help improve the psycho social well being of the Beneficiaries?
  • When is it happening?
  • Where is it happening?
The project is a local health screening project initiated by LKC medical students. It is targeted at low-income households to screen for at-risk individuals.

B. Target Group: (Please elaborate on your beneficiary and how they can benefit from your project) (300 words max.)

  • Include programme of project (if there is one) before submit application.
This project seeks to improve the psycho social wellbeing of children in single-parent households. It aims to do so via providing a student support group…

C. State your Budget Proposal

Expenditure breakdown and justify the need for each item

  • Total amount of expected expenditure
  • Include pie chart of expenditure (eg. Logistics, transportation etc) before submit application.
  • State amount of funding required from SMACF

D. Project Leader Contact Details (SMACF will contact via email)

James Tan (Mr), MBBS Phase II
Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore
HP: 1234 5678

Step 2 - Meet up with SMACF

SMACF may request for a short meet up to understand project better

Step 3 - Sponsorship/Funding approval

Approval may take some time hence do be patient. SMACF will send an email indicating approval of sponsorship as well as amount of funding approved.

Step 4 - Disbursing of Funds

Processing and disbursement of funds will happen after SMACF received the post project report as well as invoice from medsoc

*How and When will disbursement of funds happen?
Send SMACF an invoice provided by Medsoc to process disbursing of funds along with post project reports.

Step 5 - SMACF’s Terms & Condition For Sponsorship

SMACF to be recognised as Project Sponsor ; SMACF logo shown/featured during project , SMACF’s fundraising activities (at that point of time) to be featured/ circulated etc social media etc

Post Project report to be emailed to SMACF within 2 weeks of the end of project

  • Write up on success of project + photographs
  • Actual amount of expenditure
Now, you’re all set for the application!
apply now